Top 6 Skincare Routine Essentials

Top 6 Skincare Routine Essentials

Posted by Angela - Naturally Safe Cosmetics on 3rd Sep 2024

(5 minute read)

When it comes to skincare, the products we use generally depends on our skin type and our lifestyle and, perhaps, our actual stage of life. Choosing skincare products is a very personal choice and it can be a little overwhelming at times. Some brands like to keep it simple, one cleanser, one moisturiser, one eye cream, etc. Other brands have so many products, it can make your head spin! Multiple types of cleansers, for example: a cream cleanser, a gel-based cleanser, an oil cleanser, a balm cleanser and so on. Then they have multiple choices for toners, moisturisers, serums and more, often based on skin type.

Top 6 Skincare Routine Essentials from Naturally Safe Cosmetics. Image credit: Canva & Naturally Safe Cosmetics

Personally, I think around half a dozen steps in my routine is enough for me and that's why I've come up with my top 6 essential for a skincare routine and here they are:

1. Cleansing

Gently cleanse your skin twice a day.

Night-time cleansing is a no-brainer. If you wear makeup, then you definitely want to remove all traces of it so your skin can properly renew and repair itself while you sleep. If you wear sunscreen (and you should! – see below), then night-time  cleansing also allows you to remove that. Even if you don’t wear makeup or sunscreen, night-time cleansing removes all of the dirt and grime that has been deposited on your face throughout the day. Think about the days when you venture outside, especially windy days, and all the dirt and dust flying around, not to mention pollen. In addition, you may have perspired during the day, especially in Summer, whether it be walking to the train station or simply doing your job. There’s no better feeling for your skin than to wash away that sticky, stinky sweat!

When it comes to morning cleansing, you might think it is unnecessary, especially if you cleansed the night before. But think about what has happened to your skin overnight. Your face comes into contact with your pillow, sheets, blanket and maybe even your mattress. No matter how clean your bed linen is, your bed equals dust mites, dead skin cells and once again, potentially, sweat. Cleansing your face in the morning removes all of that, along with any remaining traces of your night-time skincare products, and gives your skin a clean canvas on which to apply your daytime skincare products.

How often do you cleanse your skin?

2. Serums

Apply  serums made for your specific needs. I get it – not everyone is a fan of serums and some people think they are an unnecessary step, especially if you’re already moisturising your skin. But serums are a great way to enhance your skin’s hydration levels and even improve the efficacy of your moisturiser. That’s because serums are built differently to moisturisers. The benefits of serums are two-fold:

  • Firstly, serums have a very high concentration of active ingredients – sometimes as much as 70%. Regular moisturisers may only have 5-10% active ingredients. This means serums of often jam-packed with beneficial nutrients so they really pack a punch.
  • Secondly, serums typically have a smaller molecular structure than moisturisers, which allows all of those concentrated active ingredients to penetrate into the deeper layers of your skin where they can really make a visible difference.

Because of their ability to work together with your moisturiser and improve penetration, I believe serums are a good option for everyone. The choice of serum will depend on your skin type and preference. If you have dry or mature skin, you could opt for an  oil-based serum. If your skin tends to be more oily, you might prefer a  water based serum. Always apply your serum before your moisturiser.

3. Protection

Protect your skin with  sunscreen - every day! One of the biggest contributors to ageing skin is sun damage. The sun’s UV rays are responsible for causing pigmentation, sun spots and wrinkles. Even if you spend only a little time outdoors, sun damage is cumulative. Every bit of exposure can add up as far as your skin is concerned and, over time, your skin will begin to show the effects of that exposure. The point of  wearing sunscreen every day, whether you're indoors or out, is to protect your skin from damage, protect it from skin cancer and slow down the skin ageing process. As far as skincare routines go, you can either apply a sunscreen beneath your moisturiser or opt for an SPF moisturiser with the sun protection built into the formula. 

4. Treat

Treat your skin to weekly  facial masks. Facial masks are formulated to deeply cleanse, detoxify, nourish, hydrate and restore your skin. They are a great way to show your skin some extra TLC once a week or so.

Some masks use  clay which is known for its ability to draw out dirt, pollutants and excess oil from the skin. In addition, they often include ingredients that are vitamin and antioxidant rich, which can help to promote a more even skin tone, along with a generally brighter and smoother complexion.

Finally, facial masks are a great way to enjoy some ‘me’ time at the end of a busy week. You can apply your mask, prop your feet up, lie back and relax while the mask works its magic. Seriously, if you’re not in the habit of using facial masks, give it a go! You won’t look back. My skin always feels so amazing after a mask treatment. Once again, choose a facial mask that's suited to your skin type.

5. Moisturise

Moisturise your skin generously for hydration. Moisturising your skin replaces the moisture that is naturally lost from your skin due to environmental factors, as well as helping to prevent future dryness. Not only does dry skin feel uncomfortable, it can lead to visible signs of ageing like facial lines and wrinkles. You can help to slow down the visible signs of ageing by keeping your skin moisturised and hydrated, leaving it looking plumper and younger.

If you really want to amp up the anti-ageing benefits of moisturising, choose an SPF moisturiser to protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun - effectively combining points 3 and 5 of this article into one step.

6. Exfoliate

Exfoliate 1-2 times a week for renewed freshness. Removing dead skin cells is crucial if you want your skin to look its best. As we get older, the rate at which skin cells are replaced slows down and nature sometimes needs a little help in getting rid of dull, lifeless skin cells. Exfoliation can also help to deeply clean your pores which can benefit blemish-prone skin.

Facial exfoliators often fall into one of two categories:

  • Physical (also known as scrubs) - these exfoliators physically buff away dead skin cells and impurities, while also improving microcirculation.
  • Chemical (usually AHA – Alpha Hydroxy Acids – based ) - these exfoliators dissolve the intercellular bonds and break down dead skin cells so they can be washed away.

Whichever exfoliator you choose, you will love the way that it leaves your skin feeling smoother and looking brighter, fresher and renewed.

So, there you have it – Naturally Safe Cosmetics’ Top 6 Skincare Routine Essentials – how many of these steps do you incorporate into your daily routine?