Say Goodbye to Harmful Chemicals with No Nasties Nail Polish

Say Goodbye to Harmful Chemicals with No Nasties Nail Polish

Posted by Angela - Naturally Safe Cosmetics on 12th May 2023

(2 ½ minute read)

Do you have a child who loves wearing nail polish? Are you worried about exposing their nails to harmful chemicals every time they paint them? If so, it's time to say goodbye to traditional nail polish and hello to No Nasties Nail Polish. No Nasties is a revolutionary nail polish brand committed to providing a safer alternative for kids who like to play and paint their nails with nail polish.

Chemicals in traditional nail polish

The beauty of No Nasties is that it is free from the harmful chemicals commonly found in traditional nail polish – like formaldehyde, toluene, phthalates, DBP and xylene – chemicals known for their negative effects people’s health. Formaldehyde, for example, is a known carcinogen that has been linked to cancer. Toluene has been shown to be toxic to the nervous system. Phthalates have been linked to developmental issues in children. Instead, No Nasties uses non-toxic ingredients that are gentle on your child’s nails. No Nasties is free from up to 20 ingredients often found in nail polish. No Nasties Nail Polish is water-based, non-toxic, alcohol free and low odour.

Negative effects of traditional nail polish on the environment

In addition to potential health risks, traditional nail polish can also have a negative impact on the environment. Discarded nail polish often ends up in landfill. Chemicals found in nail polish can leach their way into the soil and water supply. This is another reason why a non-toxic alternative like No Nasties Nail Polish is preferable to traditional, chemical-filled nail polish.

No Nasties Nail Polish

No Nasties Peelable Nail Polish is free from harmful ingredients commonly found in traditional nail polish. Image credit: Naturally Safe Cosmetics & Canva

Benefits of No Nasties Peelable Nail Polish

No Nasties water-based nail polish is fun and easy to use. It comes in a range of popular, age-appropriate colours: think pinkpurple and the like. Your child can enjoy playing with different nail polish colours and you can relax knowing this play nail polish is free from harmful side effects.

No Nasties Nail Polish is not formulated for staying power. It is intended for short-term play. In other words, it's made for play, not stay! Not only is No Nasties Nail Polish easy to apply but, because it is peelable, it is also easy to remove. When it’s time to remove the nail polish, it simply scratches off. How easy is that? There’s no need for strong-smelling, harsh nail polish removers. Bonus!

So, what are you waiting for? If you're looking for a safer, more eco-friendly alternative to traditional nail polish when it comes to your child, look no further than No Nasties – the innovative kids' natural makeup brand committed to safety and sustainability. It’s the perfect choice for anyone who wants to offer their child a fun nail polish product without guilt or concern for any harmful side effects.